To paraphrase Thomas Henry Huxley: How stupid of us not to have thought of that!
As reveled in the most recent issue of Science, Hautier et al. performed an exceedingly simple experiment; they added light to the understory of plant communities with or without nitrogen additions. They made two compelling observations. First, when communities were enriched without elevated light, they lost about 3 of the 6 initial species compared to the control, while light addition in the enriched communities maintained the 6 member community (as did a light only treatment). The second result was that the light plus nitrogen treatment obtained much higher biomass than either the nitrogen or light only treatments, and in fact the light only treatment did not significantly increase productivity, meaning that the communities are not normally light-limited. Further, they failed to detect any elevated belowground competition for other resources.
These results reveal that nutrient enrichment causes diversity loss because increased plant size increases light competition and plants that grow taller with elevated nitrogen are better light competitors. An old problem solved with the right experiment.
Hautier, Y., Niklaus, P., & Hector, A. (2009). Competition for Light Causes Plant Biodiversity Loss After Eutrophication Science, 324 (5927), 636-638 DOI: 10.1126/science.1169640
Interesting methods. I really like the light addition treatment using fully enclosed fluorescent tubes (control) or half enclosed tubes (treatment) in a greenhouse. Very elegant.
A very nice experiment indeed, and consistent with what Stevens and Carson found ten years ago (Ecology 80:455-465) that nutrient addition results in an increase in biomass but decrease in the number of individual plants, and that loss in number of individuals can explain the loss in species richness.
But what about the negative productivity-richness pattern in phytoplankton? Perhaps there is still a mystery to be solved....
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