Monday, July 27, 2009

Incommunicado Apologies & ESA next week

Dear readers of EEB and flow,

Sorry for the lack of postings as of late. I've just started a professorship, which involved a move from my postdoc in California to my new position in Toronto, Canada, and I guess I failed to completely appreciate how much of a time sink all this would be.

Anyway, I've resurfaced and will be blogging from the ESA annual meeting in Albuquerque next week. I'll be speaking in a workshop on Sunday that deals with whether exotics are different from native species, and there are some great ecologists that will be speaking (like Dov Sax, John Maron, Dave Richardson, Peter Kotanen and John D. Parker). Also, I'm talking in an organized oral session on species interactions and relatedness with a stellar group (e.g., Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Jonathan Silvertown, David Ackerly, Steve Kembel, Jonathan Davies and Andras Prinzing), which is a little daunting. Looking at the schedule, there are way too many interesting talks and my schedule is already double-booked with talks I want to attend. Rock, Paper, Scissors. Should be great time!

Hope to see you in Albuquerque,

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